Our school's Student Government fosters leadership, unity, and student representation. By advocating for student interests, organizing engaging events, and promoting civic engagement, our student leaders inspire positive change within our inclusive school community.

Representing Student Interests:

The student government at YASCI is a representative body that consists of elected student leaders who embody the diverse interests and concerns of the student population. These leaders are driven by a desire to make a good difference in the lives of their peers. They act as a crucial link between students, professors, and administration, ensuring that the student body’s voices and perspectives are heard and valued. 

Promoting Student Well-Being:

One of our student government’s key goals is to support our students’ general well-being. The student government actively addresses the difficulties that students encounter through projects such as mental health awareness campaigns, stress reduction programs, and personal development workshops. They collaborate closely with the counseling department and administration to establish a supportive and nurturing atmosphere in which students can develop academically, socially, and emotionally. 

Community Service and Outreach:

Our student government is dedicated to giving back to the community and making a good difference outside of the classroom. They plan and engage in a variety of community service projects, such as food drives, fundraisers for local organizations, and environmental activities. The student government fosters a strong feeling of social responsibility among our students by developing a spirit of service and compassion, instilling values that transcend far beyond their academic endeavors. 

Collaboration and Leadership Development:

Students have several opportunities to hone their leadership abilities and collaborate with their peers through the student government. Student leaders gain important communication, organization, and decision-making skills through planning events for the entire school, running clubs and groups, and participating on committees. Students may learn about the intricacies of school governance and forge crucial connections with mentors and role models thanks to the student government’s strong collaboration with faculty and administration. 

The YASCI's Supreme Student Government (SSG)

A student government that is usually found in Junior High School and Senior High School Departments, our learners can use it as a platform to take on leadership responsibilities and actively participate in the governance and decision-making processes of YASCI. The SSG normally has elected student leaders, including a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Grade level Representatives, who work together to represent the needs and interests of YASCIANS. The SSG is in charge of planning activities, standing up for learners’ rights, and addressing numerous concerns pertaining to student life in order to foster a more welcoming and active school community.

The YASCI's Supreme Pupil Government (SPG)

A student government organization that is mostly present in Elementary Department. It is intended to give young children the chance to take on leadership responsibilities and participate in decision-making processes within our school community. The SPG normally consists of elected student leaders, such as a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Grade level Representatives, who collaborate to reflect the needs and voices of the student body. The SPG frequently plans and takes part in a variety of school events, promotes student welfare, and aids in developing civic involvement and a sense of responsibility in elementary pupils.