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Shaping the Future: The Vibrant Storyof Sangguniang Kabataan Elections

by: Kit Jasper Javate

Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) is a youth council composed of young individuals aged 15 to 30 years old, elected in every barangay (Basic Local Government) every three years. Regrettably, in the past, some SK officials were elected solely because of financial backing, without a genuine commitment to youth development. In the upcoming election, it’s apparent that some of the candidates lack the qualifications and credentials to prove their suitability for the role. Credentials matter; they are the basis for voters’ decisions. When it comes to public service, we need more than just “perfect attendance” or “best player” awards. We need qualified candidates who are ready to take responsibility for their roles. While credentials aren’t the sole factor in assessing a person’s potential as a leader, they do provide insight into a person’s leadership qualities through past experiences.

We must elevate our standards when choosing our public officials to ensure a better community and the provision of excellent leadership and skill development. Electing unqualified candidates could hinder the potential of the Filipino youth, who are the hope of our nation.The choice is not merely about casting a vote; it’s about investing in the future. It’s about choosing leaders who embody the virtues of integrity, responsibility, and a sincere passion to create a better society. As the youth of today will be the leaders of tomorrow, it’s our collective responsibility to ensure that the foundation upon which they build is solid and nurturing.

The message is clear: the youth deserve leaders who are not just figureheads but individuals deeply rooted in the soil of service, empathy, and genuine commitment.

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