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YASCI’s Triumphs and Transitions: A Day of Recognition and Graduation 2024

Young Achievers’ School of Caloocan, Inc. (YASCI) was abuzz with celebration on May 24, 2024, as the school hosted its annual Recognition Day, Preschool Moving Up Ceremony, and Commencement Exercises. The day was filled with pride, joy, and memorable moments as the school honored its students’ achievements across various levels.

The festivities began with YASCI’s Recognition Day, where students who demonstrated outstanding academic and extracurricular accomplishments were celebrated. The event was a tribute to the hard work, dedication, and perseverance of these young achievers. Awards were presented in various categories, acknowledging excellence in academics, leadership, and other areas.

The auditorium was filled with applause as students walked across the stage to receive their awards, each one a testament to their commitment and hard work throughout the school year. Families, friends, and faculty members shared in the pride of seeing their students recognized for their remarkable achievements.

Following Recognition Day, YASCI’s Preschool Moving Up Ceremony took center stage. This special event marked the transition of preschool completers as they prepared to embark on their journey into primary school. The ceremony was a joyful occasion, featuring performances, speeches, and the presentation of certificates to the young learners.

Parents and teachers beamed with pride as the preschoolers, dressed in their best attire, took their places on stage. The ceremony highlighted their growth and development, celebrating their first significant educational milestone with warmth and enthusiasm. Congratulations were extended to the preschool completers, who are now ready to take their next steps in their educational journey.

The culmination of the day’s events was the 22nd Commencement Exercises and 9th Moving Up Ceremony, a grand affair that honored the graduating class and those moving up to the next academic level. The Commencement Exercises were a formal and poignant event, featuring speeches from distinguished guests, school leaders, and graduating students.

The graduates, dressed in their caps and gowns, were celebrated for their academic achievements and personal growth. The ceremony was a significant moment for the Class of 2024 as they reflected on their years at YASCI and looked forward to the future with anticipation and excitement.

In addition to the graduation ceremony, the Moving Up Ceremony recognized students advancing to the next grade level, acknowledging their progress and readiness for new challenges. This part of the event underscored the importance of each academic milestone and the continuous journey of learning and development.

May 24, 2024, was a day filled with pride and celebration at Young Achievers’ School of Caloocan, Inc. The combined events of Recognition Day, the Preschool Moving Up Ceremony, and the Commencement Exercises highlighted the school’s commitment to nurturing excellence and celebrating the achievements of its students.

Congratulations to all the achievers, awardees, preschool completers, graduates, and those moving up. Your hard work, dedication, and accomplishments are a source of pride for the entire YASCI community. As you move forward, carry with you the lessons learned and the support of those who have been a part of your journey. Here’s to your continued success and the exciting future that awaits you!