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3rd Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill 2024 (NSED)

Young Achievers’ School of Caloocan, Inc. successfully participated in the 3rd Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill (NSED) on September 26, 2024. The event was organized to strengthen earthquake preparedness and to educate students, teachers, staffs, and administrators on the necessary safety protocols in the event of an earthquake.

The drill commenced with an alarm that simulated the onset of an earthquake, prompting everyone in the school to swiftly implement the “Duck, Cover, and Hold” maneuver—a fundamental action that helps protect individuals from falling objects during the initial tremors of an earthquake. Students and personnel followed a well-coordinated plan to evacuate their respective classrooms and work areas in a calm and orderly manner, proceeding to designated evacuation zones under the guidance of assigned safety officers.

The school’s participation in the NSED is part of its commitment to ensuring the safety and preparedness of the entire YASCI community. In addition to the “Duck, Cover, and Hold” exercise, students and teachers discussed key aspects of earthquake safety, such as emergency exits, assembly areas, and the importance of staying calm during emergencies. They also conducted a review session to evaluate the effectiveness of their response and to identify areas for improvement.

Activities like the NSED are crucial in building resilience against natural disasters. YASCI remains committed to cultivating a culture of safety, vigilance, and preparedness among its students and staff, ensuring that they are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed in times of crisis. Through proactive drills and disaster awareness education, Young Achievers’ School of Caloocan, Inc. aims to build a community that can face emergencies with confidence and composure.

With a steadfast commitment to safety, the 3rd Quarter NSED proved to be another successful step towards creating a prepared and resilient school community.